In this day and age, it takes just a few clicks to get a free digital copy of classics such as Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Why should a person need to go to the library anymore when so many of these titles are available this way? It’s safe to assume that the common user would just sit on their sofa and download a few hundred books and not give a second thought to the library with their amazing and larger selection available.

Libraries are shifting from offering transactional to relational services for their patrons. This means less focus on the lending and returning of books, and more focus on the physical nature of the library. Thus, providing valuable services for their users that cannot be achieved online which is great news for libraries hoping to shift into the digital age. Any initiative to compete with free digital eBooks will impact the overall value of the library going forward.

How do you generate interest in your library and offer them a value that cannot be obtained online? This list of ideas is to help you generate a clear roadmap to plan for the future of eBook digitization.

How do you generate interest in your #library and offer a value that cannot be obtained online? This list of ideas is to help you generate a clear roadmap to plan for the future of eBook digitization. Share on X

1. Make users aware of the common pitfalls and dangers of downloading eBooks online

Many sites that advertise free eBooks are sharing those copies illegally. They can be of poor quality, incompatible with some devices and many may contain viruses. Just because it’s free, doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with a cost. That cost has to fall somewhere and that can be damaged files, false information about the titles, or no files at all. Some of these sites ask for credit card information to confirm the person’s identity and then steal their information. In many cases, these sites seem legitimate and users unknowingly download illegally obtained copies and thus, committing a crime by downloading.

#1. Make users aware of the common pitfalls and dangers of downloading eBooks online. #libraries #librarylife Share on X

Letting your library patrons know this before they go searching for free materials can help them understand why they should stay within the library while looking for cost-free media. A great way to get the word out to patrons about this information is through flyers at the library, information on the library website, and through email newsletters.

2. Curate the selection

The number of available titles is a massive and an ever-expanding unsorted list. Without any sort of direction, readers will certainly be drawn to the current bestseller. When the next bestseller comes along they will be drawn to that one. This method of choosing novels leaves them no room for any sort of collection beyond what is new and being advertised at the time and therefore, no need for the library.

The #library’s staff is a trustworthy source in the user’s mind and they are great at making recommendations. Share on X

The library’s staff is a trustworthy source in the user’s mind and they are great at making recommendations. A display with staff favorites can draw the attention of the patrons to other books that may not be popular at the time.

3. Live events

Having live events can bring patrons in for an event and can also bring the selection of books to their attention.

Book clubs – Book clubs open people up to all genres and authors. Genre-specific clubs give people a chance to try other authors in a favorite genre or a new genre.

Storytime – Storytime is great for kids and adults. Kids can listen while parents browse for themselves.

Classes and events – Classes bring people in to learn something, but they will see the books before and after the class. Events such as, singles night, game night, genre nights, and theme nights are always popular.

Digital hubs – Libraries are seen as a safe place and community hub to all generations and income levels. Having access to digital books, computers, printers, and Wi-Fi gives them a place to safely do job searches, print resumes and research for school. Digital books will bring the eBook lovers to you through their devices.

Book clubs, storytime events, classes and digital hubs represent another way to bring the selection of #books to the attention of the users. Share on X

4. Offer a browsing experience with selected literary goods in the library or online

Having goods on display in the library or on the website gives patrons a browsing experience that connects books with shopping. There are many online shops that have literacy-themed goods.

Literary Book Gifts along with Etsy are great places to look for literary goods. Use the promo code PRINCH20 for 20% off anything in the store. Share on X

Literary Book Gifts along with Etsy are great places to look for this. Use the promo code PRINCH20 for 20% off anything in the store. An example of a library that has literary-themed goods within the library can be found at on Vancouver Public Library’s website.

5. Create an inviting space

If the library isn’t inviting to patrons, they are not going to stay for long. The more inviting, the more likely they are to browse and get more books. Small simple things can make the library more welcoming.

If the #library isn’t inviting to patrons, they are not going to stay for long. Share on X

Interaction – Greeting patrons when they enter will instantly make them feel welcomed. Talking to them as they check out, asking if they need help, and connecting with them about the books. All these things help make them feel welcome.

Colors – Warm inviting colors will help patrons feel relaxed and welcomed. Warm colors such as orange, brown, and yellow create a welcoming effect, while cooler colors such as blue and green create a relaxing effect. Adding even small touches can help.

Seating – Having a variety of seating available in different areas will invite people to stay for a while. Having a comfortable chair in a corner is great for the person that wants to relax and read. Desks are great for people studying and some people just like an empty space out of the way to sit with multiple books.

6. Promote your ebooks and digital subscriptions

It may seem counter-intuitive, but your users will thank you and you can maintain a wide range of users who only use digitally. Ebooks cost less and you can provide more copies to more people. Some people prefer digital copies for many reasons; easy access, no travel time, and they can read anywhere at any time.

To conclude, libraries can compete with the rising of free digital eBooks just by generating interest in the library and offering users a value that cannot be obtained online.

How do you plan for the future of eBook digitization?

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Melissa Chan

Literary Book Gifts

Melissa Chan is the founder of Literary Book Gifts. She combined her love of literature with a background in art and design to design all the items you see in the shop. Use the promo code PRINCH20 for 20% off anything in the store. No minimum and it does not expire.

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