The Princh Manual Release Feature
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We think we are the best choice for your organization. Why? Because the Princh Manual Release feature:
- Offers greater control for patrons over their document retrieval.
- Provides an extremely safe print-from-home option.
- Allows patrons to only release their print jobs when they are physically at the printer, by entering a 4-digit code.
- Does not change the printing and payment process, only enhances the security of document retrieval.
- Can run directly on Ricoh IM series printers, without a server component.
- Princh is ISO 27001:2022 certified, which is the “gold standard” in information security. You can learn more about our industry-leading security here.
- Our solution serves the needs of many different industries. Check out how we help your industry here.
- We have compiled all there is to know about our products, technical requirements, security measures, and more into our ultimate guide. Read it now!
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