The Librarianship Studies & Information Technology blog organized a contest for completing the slogan “I Love Being a Librarian Because…” which received an overwhelming response from librarians all over the world. (Learn more about the contest here.)
I Love Being a Librarian Because... Share on XThe select slogans which were featured on the blog are given here, in no qualitative order. The founder of the blog, Salman Haider, posted the first slogans himself where he expressed his feelings of being a proud librarian and cataloger in three different ways. Read below why librarians all over the world love their profession:
I love being a librarian because…
1. “I love being a librarian because for me nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library. “
–Salman Haider (b. 1977. Librarian, cataloger, blogger, and creator of Librarianship Studies & Information Technology blog, India)
2. “I love being a librarian because my services as a librarian is a way to serve my nation as strong libraries build strong researchers and informed researchers build strong nations.”
–Salman Haider (b. 1977. Librarian, cataloger, blogger, and creator of Librarianship Studies & Information Technology blog, India)

3. “I love being a librarian because I can help people find the information they want and also information they wanted but didn’t know it existed.”
–Andrew Kosmowski, SM (Librarian at University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio Area, United States)
4. “I love being a librarian because it is more than just organizing or shelving books. I can be a community educator, organizer, and innovator while enhancing my creativity in ways that will benefit the community as well as the library itself! Being a librarian has so much to offer in a sense that I am able to share my librarian skills, be it at problem-solving, researching, retrieving, or information literacy, to the patrons. After all, that’s what I’m here for; to serve and fulfill the community needs.”
–Veronica Estrop (Librarian at Sabah State Libary, Malaysia)
5. “I love being a librarian because I love making order out of chaos and helping people around the world find things they want AND things they didn’t even know they wanted.”
–Rich Murray (Principal Cataloger at Duke University, United States)

6. “I love being a librarian because I connect the students, faculty, and researchers with relevant information so that they can create new knowledge.”
–Kavita Chaddha (Library In charge, IIM Lucknow, Noida, India)
7. “I love being a librarian because I can spend every day on two things I really like to do… helping other people and be surrounded by books. It’s like it does not even work at all.”
–Louise Ian de los Reyes Aquino (Head Librarian, Metro-Dagupan Colleges, Philippines)
8. “I love being a librarian because I can turn the library into a “playground” where the community can have fun, connect, interact and have lasting relationships with people and books.”
–Louise Ian de los Reyes Aquino (Head Librarian, Metro-Dagupan Colleges, Philippines)

9. “I love being a librarian because I find pleasure in being a part of that unique sense of comfort the library provides. Either in their need for knowledge, resources or the facilities, to connect with the community and exact the effort to fulfill all these always generate a feeling of content in self.”
–Ron Elly (Webmaster, Sabah State Library, Malaysia)
10. “I love being a librarian because I have the power to be the doctor of knowledge, to share the information to all the people, to push them to study or read more books, articles, journals, educational websites. Librarians can share the academic research to the whole world.”
–Chrystalla Filippou (Librarian at UCLan, Cyprus)
11. “I love being a librarian because in the library I have freedom of information and thought. I feel connected with the past, I can help people with their information needs at the present, in order to help them build their future.”
–Mariana Barna (Bibliotecaria Documentalista, Argentina)

12. “I love being a librarian because there is something new to learn and teach every day. Every day, you are in touch with the information of each subject and each discipline, and from individuals and visitors, you also learn about their research. A kind of permanent and compulsory education towards growth and excellence.”
–Tayebe Razavi (Librarian at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Library, Iran)
13. “I love being a librarian because I love kids and telling them stories and reading books to them. Love to meet new people and help them find new books and resources.”
–Afia Sohail (Volunteer Enrolment Officer, Library and Information Services, Melbourne, Australia)
14. “I love being a librarian because I believe that knowledge needs to be organized and shared in the right way.”
–Muram Abdelmageed (Librarian at Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates)

15. “I love being a libraria