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Science Fiction is a popular book genre for library visitors to check out and read. There are many different books in this genre but which is the best? On this week’s Princh Libray Blog, Global English Editing shares a fun infographic that lists the 16 best Science Fiction books of all time!

The 16 Best Sci-Fi books of all time

When you feel like an escape from everyday life, nothing beats picking up a novel and diving into a new world.

And science fiction provides the perfect outlet for this.

But, how do you know which science fiction books to read? If you’re new to the genre, where do you start?

There are thousands of sci-fi books out there, but don’t worry about having to sort through them all. Global English Editing has done the work for you and whittled down the 16 best science fiction books of all time.

From The Martian to A Wrinkle in Time, there’s something on this list for everyone. Dive headfirst into these books for days and weeks of thought-provoking entertainment.

When you feel like an #escape from everyday life, nothing beats picking up a #novel and diving into a new world. Share on X

Because, with timely topics that stretch right into our own universe, these books will leave you questioning the human experience.

Though science fiction is truly out of this world, the stories in these books always connect to the present day. The story lines are often metaphors used to critique society.

Check out the infographic below for a brief summary and several fun facts of all 16 books.

The 16 Best Sci Fi Books

Make sure to check out previous posts on spicing up your vocabulary in 2020banned books, reading habits of millennials and reading habits from around the world, which also provide interesting information in an easy to read infographic.

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Introduction text and blog coordination by Isabel Cabrera.

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1302, 2025