Libraries offer a plethora of creative and interesting events, however, reports by Pew Research Center and most recently by the Carnegie UK Trust indicate that a lot of citizens are not aware of the library’s services and programs. There may be several reasons why, but the most important is the lack of presence in the local community.

Creating a simple #marketing plan and focusing on a few promotional #techniques is the best way to improve your #library’s presence in the community and make people aware of its existence. Share on X

Creating a simple marketing plan and focusing on a few promotional channels is the best way to improve your library’s presence in the community and make people aware of its existence. Here’s a preview of the most important channels a library can use to create a presence in the community.

1. Website content

The library’s website should be your most important tool when communicating with the local community and at the same time, it is the most effective way to inform your visitors about all the things they can do at the library.

The #website represents an extension of your #library making it available 24/7 with online #resources and information. #librarians Share on X

This could be the services available and how to use them, the events taking place, the fresh materials added or guides on how to use the library’s technology. On top of this, the website represents an extension of your library making it available 24/7 with online resources and information.

Website Promotional Channels For Libraries

The Public Library Of Brookline Website

2. Blogging

Since you have all these events organized at the library and people are introducing and presenting various topics interesting for the library’s patrons, why not transform these learnings in a blog post and make them available to a broader audience? This way, you can raise the readers’ interest in future events and offer educational content that people are really interested.

Also, each blog post is a source of content that can be easily spread on Facebook or Twitter and this way you let the audience become the library’s advocates and promote it, encouraging new followers.

Write a blog for your library and get an online presence into the community

New York Public Library Blog Page

3. SEO

Search Engine Optimization is an essential technique to use if you want the library to be more visible online with links to the library’s resources appearing in search engines.

SEO is an essential technique to use if you want the #library to be more visible #online with links to the library’s resources appearing in search engines. Share on X

This can be achieved by writing blog posts around topics that the users care about or by updating the website with the information sought for by the users. Therefore, understanding the searcher’s intent is a prerequisite for a successful search engine optimization strategy and is a great way to promote the library’s services which attracts more users to the library.

SEO Promotional Channels For Libraries

Google Search: Printing in Randers City

4. Facebook

Just by using Facebook as the sole online communication channel, you can reach a broad number of citizens with topics and content tailored for each of them. That is because Facebook is the most used social network and people are connected to it all day long through their phones or computers.

Just by using #Facebook as the sole online #communication channel, you can reach a broad number of citizens with topics and content tailored for each of them. #libraries Share on X

This way, patrons can stay connected to the library’s newsfeed and events all day and you spend no money on promotional materials. Win-win, right? Here you can find an explanatory webinar with 15 ideas on improving your library’s Facebook page.

Use Facebook for marketing your library - Example of South Dublin Libraries Facebook Page

South Dublin Libraries Facebook Page

5. Instagram/Twitter

By capturing and sharing on Instagram or Twitter the day to day activities and events that take place at the library, you provide to patrons some behind-the-scenes insights into the library world and raise their interest. Also, you can use Instagram or Twitter to emphasize the human side of the library, which people will take as a breath of fresh air through all the congested online ads.

Use #Instagram or #Twitter to emphasize the human side of the #library, which people will take as a breath of fresh air through all the congested online ads. #librarylife Share on X