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Wondering how you can unleash your creativity? On this week’s Princh Libray Blog, The Expert Editor shares a fun infographic, that will share some answers. Check out 16 ways to unleash your creativity.
What is creativity?
Think about it: Do you think it means some sort of quasi-magical ability to produce stuff out of nothing? Is it some sort of secret knack to see solutions to problems that no one else can figure out?
Is it something that only certain people have, and others are relegated to a life of following?
Creativity comes from the word that simply means “to make.” Creativity is just the ability to make.
You don’t have to be Da Vinci to make something amazing. In fact, research suggests that only 22% of creative variance among individuals comes down to genetics. Why’s that important?
Because that means 78% of creative variance can be explained by learning, reading, practicing, and training.
Creativity isn’t some “you have it or you don’t” quality. It’s a trainable ability that defines us. It’s our ability to think critically, solve problems uniquely, and build systems from the ground up.
It’s a skill, just like anything else.
And like anything else, it can be taught. It can be learned. It can be trained.
Think of it like a muscle. And just like a muscle, it needs to be trained frequently.
A new infographic by The Expert Editor shows you how to train your creativity.
You’ll learn:
- Shining examples of creative genius
- Creative Careers for the 21st century
- 16 easy ways to unleash your creativity.
These easily-implementable hacks are simple steps you can do to boost your creativity. Give it a try! Add an easy habit into your routine to unleash your hidden genius.
Check out The Expert Editor’s infographic below.

Make sure to check out previous posts on how reading helps celebrities daily lives, 16 best Science Fiction books of all time, spicing up your vocabulary in 2020, banned books, reading habits of millennials and reading habits from around the world, which also provide interesting information in an easy to read infographic.
Post details:
Introduction text and blog coordination by Isabel Cabrera.